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Saturday 30 March 2013

What is Facebook Graph Search ?

                                       What is Facebook Graph Search ?

Facebook Graph search can be described as the modified or advanced search on Facebook to explore things in detail. With this graph search you can search for many things which your friends like, places people explored etc.

Few Examples:
If you want to know about the list of your friends (or friends of friends) who likes to cry, you can just simply type “friends who like crying” and in real time Facebook will show you the list of people who likes crying. With this you can explore new people who are with same interest of yours.
You can even filter your search results to a particular place, by typing “People who like crying in Washington” you can get the whole list of them.  Sounds pretty interesting Isn’t it?

How to get Facebook Graph search to your Facebook profile:

Facebook launched this feature just for few limited people and this is now available to everyone.
When I checked it, this feature is even disabled for me, which means enough number of people is already trying this. Keep checking that page to join the waiting list.

Facebook Layout with Facebook graph search:

This is how the Facebook layout of an account looks like when Graph search is enabled on a profile
Friends requests, Messages and notifications icons which are normally at the left top of our Facebook profile. But when Facebook graph search is enabled on your profile they get shifted to the right top just besides the profile button. At the place where we used to see the normal search box, we can see Facebook new Graph search coming into action.

Difference between Google search and Facebook Graph search:

Though we can get any sort of search results accurately using Google, we can’t get the search results that can be provided by Facebook..! Let me tell why. . If you search for people who likes playing cricket on Google it will show you some results, and if some other person did a search on Google for the same thing it shows the same results. No matter who you are Google will just show the same results for you every time. But in the case of Facebook each and everyone will get separate results depending upon the interests of their friends. This makes the things even better. You can even search for places which your friends visited, Places which your friends recently visited. etc.


When Facebook introduced Timeline features to its users many people searched desperate to remove it from their profile as many didn’t felt comfortable with that new layout of profile. But later people get went with it without any regret and now everyone is addicted to it. But as soon as Facebook introduced this Graph search, people started responding in a quite positive manner towards it. I am pretty sure that this will make the Facebook even better.

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