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Saturday 30 March 2013

Best Alternatives to Google Adsense 2013

                                           Best Alternatives to Google Adsense 2013

Top Best Google Adsense Alternatives:

Yahoo Bing Ads(Media.NET)-Highly Recommended:

Media.NET partnered with Yahoo and Bing and came up to form a new advertising network.This is the best alternative to Google Adsense from my point of view.I have been using this network since few days and the income is awesome. Infact my income generated from Yahoo Bing Ads is more than Google Adsense which is surprising.
  • Easy approval if you have a good site.
  • If you have many sites,more than 5 then the chance of getting approved are more.
  • You will be guided with a Sales Representative to maximize your income.
  • You wont get banned suddenly for invalid click activity or click bombing.
  • All the options available for premium publishers of Google Adsense are available for all Publishers as Media.NET treats everyone as their premium publisher.
  • Infact its better than Google Adsense if you have a micro-niche site because their ads can be targeted to specific keywords which will show very relevant ads to maximize the income potential of your blog or website.


This ad network has grown tremendously in the past some time and that's why shines at the top in this list of Google Adsense alternatives. The concept of this rapidly growing ad network is totally different from Adsense. It can be called as marketplace to sell/buy ad spaces. As a blogger, you are required to apply for BuySellAds account. Once you get approved, you list the ad spaces of your blog at decent rate. Advertisers purchase the ad spaces and you get paid. The best thing is that your earning get fixed in this and there is not any heart attack of getting banned by them. Moreover, you set the ad space price, from your own.
  • Its not that easy to get approved for BSA.
  • Your site must have atleast 50,000 impressions per month.
  • No illegal, or containing even remotely *questionable* content.
  • Minimum payout is $50.

Tribal Fusion:

Tribal Fusion is a CPM based ad network.Its one of the best google adsense alternative but its not that easy to become Tribal Fusion publisher.
  • Your site must be getting atleast 500,000 monthly impressions to become Tribal Fusion publisher.

Exit Junction:

This is a new network to monetize your website with exit traffic.When a visitor leaves your website it will show a pop-up with and ad.When visitor click on the ad you will get paid.This is a new innovative advertising method.Works well if your site has good traffic.


Adversal is also one of the best google adsense alternative.Basically its a pop up based ad network.You will get paid for every visitor.So it has a great potential to make money if your site has good traffic.


Chitika is well-renowned ad network that competes with Google Adsense. Like Adsense, it also pays when someone clicks on the ads getting display on your blog. The cost per click may not be so good for traffic coming from the parts other than U.S. and U.K. But if you have traffic from these locations, then you can make hell lot money from Chitika. You can refer your friends and can earn the commission. Minimum payout is $10 via PayPal, while $50 via cheque.


Infolinks is in-text advertising network. Means, when you use Infolinks on your blog, it converts the normal text into clickable ads. The best part about the Infolinks is that getting approved into their network is damn simple and you can start running the in-text ads on your blog, as soon as you apply for it. The cost per click is not that much as you get in Google Adsense, but as the mode of advertising is totally different, so there is always a higher CTR in Infolinks as compared to that of Adsense. Some bloggers even tag this ad network as the best alternative to Google Adsense. While the ad network is very popular, but some SEO experts claim that using the Infolinks may kill your visibility in the search engines as in Infolinks, your normal text, including your targeted keywords gets converted into clickable links. This may make a spam-type image of your blog in Google's eyes. The Minimum payout is $50 via PayPal, while $300 via Bank Wire Transfer.


Kontera is also in-text advertising network that converts the normal text into ads. When someone clicks on them, you get paid. Your blog must have good page impressions to get approved into the system. It does compete strongly with both of Google Adsense and Infolinks. You can withdraw the money, once it touches $50 mark.


Adbrite has always been considered as one of the best Adsense alternatives. Once you get approved into system, Adbrite puts a banner on your blog, showing the sale of that particular ad slot. Getting approved into the network is very easy, but your success in Adbrite solely depends on your blog's popularity. If it s quite popular, then advertisers contact you to buy ad space. The price for the ad space is set up by you. When any advertiser shows his/her interest in displaying ads on your blog, it is completely up to you that you want to accept the ads or not. You can sell the ad space on weekly, monthly basis. The minimum payout is $100 via PayPal.


They approve any blog, if it is totally new. Clicksor offers all type of advertising like In-Text, Contextual. The pop-up ads are also part of Clicksor. Though this ad network is good challenge to Google's Adsense, but sometimes it shows irrelevant ads, mostly the adult ads. You can withdraw your earned money to your PayPal account, once it touches $50 count.


This ad network offers contextual and feed advertisements. Though you earn good money for each click that you get on your ad, the extra amount is paid to you, if your ad results in a successful conversation. The minimum payout is $10, and one can get this money in one's PayPal account.

So give them a try and share your experience with us.If we missed out any let us know in your comments.
Author Bio: I Sai Kumar a Founder and CEO of Crunchyhub. I am a 21 Year Ordinary and a Simple guy from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. I write about Blogging, Technology, Programming, Social Media, and Make Money Online etc

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to earn cash from your websites by popup ads?
    In case you do, have you tried using Clicksor?
